Digital Detritus
de·tri·tus | dəˈtrīdəs | noun | waste or debris of any kind: "streets filled with rubble and detritus."
Unalloyed Adages
Remember that no sin can stand before the efficacy of Christ’s blood. -John Flavel
We owe our lives to God's commitment to missions and mercy. He came a long way to help us, and his help includes every kind of help we need. And he got dirty doing it. In fact he got killed. This merciful suffering is the purchase and the path of our salvation. "Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps" (1 Peter 2:21). -John Piper
Work and let him give the fruits therefore! Rule, and let him prosper it! Battle, and let him give victory! Preach, and let him make hearts devout! -Martin Luther
According to a modern critic, it is morbid to confess your sins. I should say that the morbid thing is not to confess them. The morbid thing is to conceal your sins and let them eat your heart out, which is the happy state of most people in highly civilized communities. -G.K. Chesterton
Church is a drug rehab center where narcissists like you and me learn to kick the habit, a new society for the new creation. -Josh Moody
Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the arm of omnipotence. -Charles Spurgeon